Cancelling an order
Cancelling an order
If your order has not yet been shipped we can cancel your order. In this case please contact our customer service.
Phone: +49 2871 27 55 55
Monday to Friday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Saturday: 9.00am - 1.00pm
Email: customerservice@rosebikes.com
What if I have already paid for my order?
Your payment will be completely refunded to the payment method you used. This can take a few business days.
PayPal & credit card:
In this case we will refund the paid amount directly to the account used.
Bank transfer:
If you have already paid, we will refund the order amount. Please send us your customer number, IBAN & BIC via email for the refund.
Leasing through employer:
For cancelling your leasing contract, please contact the leasing provider.
Gift voucher:
If you had redeemed a gift voucher, the used amount will be refunded to the voucher.